ソファを制作するにあたり、人が寄っていく形とは?座って心地よい形とは? という根源的な問いから始めた。
紙ねんどで大きさ、形状、構造など試作を重ねながら 最終的には、大きなマシュマロがくっついた形状にたどり着いた。 手でなでたくなり、深く座りこみたくなり、見ただけで座っている自分を想像したくなる、そんな ソファを目指した。
This exhibition titled “Transformers” consists of a sofa called "O’Keeffe” and a chair called “Back float chair.” Upon building the sofa “O’Keeffe,” my aim was to create a design that is comfortable yet attractive. Paper clay was used to build its conceptual works, experimenting with different size, shape, and structure. The result was a sofa where stone-like cushions are gathered upon each other to create a magnanimous quality and curved structure inspired by the paintings of American female artist Georgia O'Keeffe.