Magic carpet

Furniture concept model / Sofa / 2013


人が思わず、寄っていき、座ってみたいと思うデザインとは何か? どういった所で寝てみたいと思うだろうか? 人種の違う世界中の誰もが共通して追い求める形状とは何だろうか?


A curious sofa-set in the shape of a Flying Carpet

What is a design that intrigues a person? What is a design that lulls one into sleep? What kind of design will invite a good dream upon a sleeper? 

\These are some questions I asked myself before completing "Flying Carpets." And the answer was, 'curiosity.' If the 'human spirit' was the root of the investigative spirit, and 'emotions' were the root of all intellectual will, 'curiosity' can be defined as the combination of these two. 

My aim was to create an embodiment of 'curiosity,' allowing one to explore different seating positions, tingling the investigative spirit and drives intellectual will. 

Experimenting with different shapes, sizes, and structure using paper models, I arrived at a wave-like form that resembles a flying carpet; one that combines uniqueness and comfort. This sofa will provide ever-lasting 'curiosity' to anyone who takes a seat.